Thursday, May 7, 2009

2nd outside reading

When Wayne and Carmen arrive at the office Nelson Daives isn't there so they sit and wait. Wayne, being all dressed up sits in Daives chair looking boss like when Bird and Richie enter. They think Wayne is Daives and tell him to give them the money or they will kill him. Wayne says its out in his truck so he leads them outside. He reaches in his Ironworker toolbox and pulls out a large metal rod known as a sleever bar starts going ape shit on the two. He knocks one across the chest and the other, Richie, runs inside and fires shots at Wayne. He comes in after him and ends up making a mess of the real estate office. Wayne throws Richie out a story high window and sends the two off bleeding. The police arrive and question Wayne and Carmen and say that they know who the criminals might be and will have to stay with them at their house with them for their own safety. The next chapter is filled with a lot of police questioning. Carmen and Wayne both do not enjoy the cops constantly wanting coffee and food made for them but have to endure. Meanwhile Richie and Bird retreat to where Richie is living not far from ALgonac in a correction officers home. Her name is Donna and she is who makes the two food and cleans their wounds. Once their wounds are taking care of the two vow to kill the ironworker and his wife so they go searching for them. The Bird happened to see Wayne at a convienent store a few days before talking to a man name Lionel. Lionel is someone The Bird has known and not liked all his life so he goes to him and asks him to take them hunting on his pontoon. They end up getting the info from Lionel and shooting him to death. Now that they know where the Colsons live, the danger is very real...