Sunday, October 19, 2008

outside reading post #3

finishing of a clockwork orange
In the last half of a clockwork orange the story takes a unexpected turn. After Alex is released from prison and his treatment is over he goes back home to find his parents have gotten rid of all his belongings and rented his room to a stranger and therefore he has nowhere to stay and he is all alone. He then wanders the streets seeing a homeless man he beat up earlier in the novel, the man attacks Alex, and Alex is unable to fight back because of his treatment. Finally two policemen from come to his rescue but when he sees there faces he is in shock to see it is two of boys from his gang. They are now reformed but have it out for Alex. They take him to the countryside and beat him and leave there. Alex is then found by a man and he is brought inside a house and once he is fed and cleaned the owner of the house, a old man in a wheelchair who is assisted by his an able bodied man, recognizes who Alex is by is singing. At the beginning of the novel ALex and his gang robbed the very same house and Alex accidently killed the man's wife. The man comes to a realization that Alex was responsible for his wife's death so he drugs some wine and knocks Alex out. Alex awakes in a room in the top of the house with the door locked and no way out. They figure out his trigger from the treatment is beethoven's 9th symphony so they play it until Alex can't take it anymore and he attempts to do himself in by leaping out the window. Finally, he awakes in the hospital with almost every bone broken but alive and now everyone feels sorry for him. The novel ends with the warden of the prison who signed Alex up for the experiment telling him they are responsible for his injury and suffering. So they strike a deal for some money and the book ends with them taking pictures together for the paper. I think this novel is about what outcome so actions can have on you in the long run.